assalamualaikum...hye semua!!!!lama betol saya xupdate my blog ni...
dah masuk bulan ke-3 tahun baru baru nak update.
bz la katakan..(tangan ke dada, mata ke atas)
kalau ikutkan hati, macam2 cerita nk tulis..
tp bukannya ada orang baca pun kan.haha
actually, ada 3 bulan je lagi before my final exam..
takutnya YA ALLAH..
n last month, all of my batchmate already went to S.P.A. INTERVIEW.
interview keje la ni.
ingat nak jadi doktor xde interview..tapi, ade jugak.lemah betol.
interview ni berlangsung 2 hari sebab students USMKK agak ramai.
n my turn was on the 2nd day..
bagus jugak dpt 2nd day.boleh tanye tips2 from candidate on the 1st day.
malam before interview,baru nak prepare.
baru bukak email2 yang diforward regarding SPA, KKM,USM.bla,bla,bla..
study last minute.apa ygboleh masuk,masukla..ape yg tak boleh masuk, nak wat camne.
nk stay up utk study pun xboleh sebab takut esok ban
gun lambat.
so,baca ape yg sempat je la.
then, on that day, i went to SPA office by USM bus.
n bila sampai tu,dah ramai rupanya yg dah sampai..
mostly pergi dgn own transport.
then,trus ambik nombor giliran.
nasib baik dapat nombor agak belakang..leh rilek2,cool down dulu..
then, when my turn came..
ketuk pintu..tok,tok,tok..(bunyi ketuk pintu)
saya masuk n terus bagi clear holder n resume to the interviewers.
ade 2 org interviewers, seorang doctor from HRPZ2 n seorang lagi orang besar SPA.
saya expect diorang akan suruh introduce diri, tak.
the SPA people terus tegur "hye NOR r u?"
tapi...saya xberapa clear apa yang dia cakap sebab bunyi slang laen sket..
saya dengan kurang bijaknya jawab "sorry??"
dia pun repeat.."HOW ARE U??" dengan lebih jelas..
barula saya paham..
"fine thank u..
haih...malu je
then,die tanya pulak "is there anyone in ur family is a doctor?"
sekali lagi, saya x dpat tangkap.
"sorry??"saya jawab..haha...*malunya*
n dia terpaksa repeat soalan tu dgn lebih clear..
ye la..slang sabh,sarawak dia pekat sangat..
dalam hati saya.."abesla aku macam ni..asyik xmenjawab soalan je.."
tapi, nasibbaik lepastu die dh ckp clear.
dia tanye "what is the quality needed in order to be a doct
i dont expect this, goreng je la pape yg boleh..haha
then, another interviewer's turn to ask
"which posting r u now"
"which posting do u love the most"
agak nasib baik jugakla saya tengah posting psychiatry..
n saya ckp i think psychi is quite interesting for me..
n disebabkan saya jawab cenggitu, dr terus tanya about cases i've seen in the posting..
he ask what is the most difficult thing in managing psychi pt
ok la..soalan simple..
then,he ask about communicable dz that very common in the district that i went for community service during 3rd year.
n i answer tuberculosis.
then, he ask about anti-TB drugs..
alhamdulillah..not too much question n not too hard..
then,back to SPA people again.
he ask about prinsip 1malaysia..
luckily, dah study about that.because ni mmg soalan favourite in interview..
then, abes!!
b4 masuk punye la sebenarnya interviewe
r tu just tanye apeyg kita jawab.
die putar balik je jawapan kite tu.
so,jawab apa yg kita tahu je!
finish the interview..just need to prepare for final exam..